Course Description:

This course is intended for beginning trainers who have demonstrated an interest and skill in teaching others or are responsible for developing certain skills in other individuals. This course focuses on teaching trainers how to plan the program, captivate the audience, and master presentation skills.  It helps potential trainers through a step-by-step process learn the various training skills that need to be demonstrated in a training seminar through using presentations, individual exercises, and group activities.  

By the end of this course, you will:

  • State at least fifteen items that need to be taken into consideration when planning a training program.

  • Differentiate between aims and objectives in a training program.

  • Recall the needs of adult trainees that are different from those of a child with 90% accuracy.

  • Name the factors that are responsible for creating an atmosphere conducive to learning.

  • Describe the trainees’ levels of behavior.

  • Describe the different types of trainees’ personalities.

  • Understand how to train groups with different needs.

  • Review the steps taken the day the training is set to begin.

  • Learn a process that helps the presenter sell the presentation to potential trainees.

  • Learn 19 ways to keep the trainees interested in the presentation.

  • Enhance the presentation with various visual aids.

  • Learn how to give feedback and avoid pitfalls while doing that.

  • Know the tricks of the trade and give examples to demonstrate that knowledge.

  • Learn how to improve the training process.