Course Description:

Many people do not understand the important role of planning in the achievement of career and personal goals.  Frequently they become so involved in managing their day-to-day activities, earning a living, taking care of children, and maintaining their homes that they do not take time to plan for the future.  Little thought is given to the process of selecting short-term and long-term goals or identifying and completing the steps necessary to achieve them.

Planning is especially important for people who want to better themselves by obtaining more education or vocational training.  Planning to achieve goals of this type is complex because such goals may take many years to achieve.  People who want to achieve these goals must have the ability to persist, to engage in consistent action over time and to plan for alternative actions when they encounter barriers or obstacles in the pursuit of their goals.  

Often times, these goals may be unclear, are not achievable in the spare time they have available, may not have been broken down into easily managed steps, may seem so far away that it is difficult to start on the first steps, and are typically abandoned or set aside rather than modified when obstacles arise.  

At the end of this course, you will:

  • Learn about goal selection and criteria for identifying goals that are aligned with your mission and purpose
  • Select realistic personal and professional goals.
  • Recognize the specific planning needed to achieve those goals
  • Identify the time management skills required for success.
  • Acquire the planning skills for effective goal setting